Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Six Simple Yet Powerful Tips for Celebrating the Holidays During Divorce

There’s no question about it – divorce can be one of the most difficult times in your life.

Seemingly in an instant, the world as you know it turns upside down.

And then the holidays approach.

Where you might have always celebrated with family, it can be tempting to slip into bed and hide under the covers until after the New Year.

Instead, here are 6 tips for celebrating the holidays during divorce:

 1.          Be thankful.  While it can be difficult at this time, you might be thankful for something as simple as getting yourself up in the morning.   Or for getting through one moment at a time each day.

2.          Give something to others.  We all have  unique talents.  Use yours.  Even holding the door open for someone can boost your emotions.

3.          Avoid toxic people.  If family members bring you down, adopt a “family” of close and supportive friends.

4.          Celebrate just one good thing.  It may be your children.   Or suddenly recognizing that you’re stronger than you thought you were.

You might notice one beautiful thing unique to this time of year.  Or recognizing that, like the certainty of the seasons, this difficult time too shall pass.

5.          Put aside differences.  You might use the holidays as a time to put aside differences, at least for now.  Focus instead on creating your future,  Or just a new normal for the moment.

6 .         Be generous.   You might give your spouse extra time with the kids over the holidays.  Make time for yourself.  After all, your kids will always love you no matter what and they might be thankful too.

As difficult as it might be, the holidays during divorce can be a time of opportunity.  And they only happen once a year.  So be on the lookout for rare opportunities to act and even celebrate.

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The post Six Simple Yet Powerful Tips for Celebrating the Holidays During Divorce appeared first on Michele Hart Divorce & Family Law.

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